What on earth are you doing here? Didn't you get the memo? The games cancelled, it has been for while...
Oooooooh I get it now! It's the game's anniversary! That's what it is right? You wanted to reminisce on the old fnf fangame that never was. It's kinda funny, me and funne only got to post here twice before the game left like a fart in the wind. Man it's been abit huh. 2 whole years of fnf free download. It feels like just yesterday that I clicked that publish game button on gamejolt...
Actually, that's kind of a lie. Alot has happened in my life since then.
Got anything planned?
Uh, considering you just showed up here unannounced, no, not really.
Mysterious Mysteries: fnf free download edition [LIGHTNING ROUND!!]
So obviously since free download was only half completed. There were a lot of questions that were never answered! And while there are a few that I would rather leave unanswered for good, I feel like theres no harm in talking about SOME of the stuff that was never able to get explained in game.
It's Joey, thats why buddy called him little J in weeknd 3
It's Zoey, I thought it would be cute if their names rhymed
Dude's real name is Joey, and Gunk mistakenly calls dude Jude during weeknd 4.
Uh, yeah? I thought I did a pretty good job at explaining that. With the shrine in the background of one of the cutscene panels, her eyes being crossed out at the end of starfire and it being a touchy subject with gunk. But yeah, bitch is dead. How she died isn't important but she was a poor single mother who won a karaoke competition back in 1999, became a star, doomed her daughter into living a life she couldn't get out off, then died. She only wanted the best for her daughter.
The doodles on weeknd 2's bus windows tell the story of the game

She went emo for a month and then went back to her usual self. You would have gotten to see "emo cyan" in weeknd 7
Shut up they can know about that! And characters aren't allowed in this part of the post! You know that!
Misplaced was the third song of weeknd 7 where after singing against Lady's mom and teachvee you would fight against "blue text". One of two aliens that came to earth because of the voyager satellite. A satellite sent into the deepest reaches of outerspace with the intention of capturing the attention of alien life to make them aware of humanity. This satellite contained a dual sided golden record that had various examples of human music.

As shown in weeknd 4 the satellite has mysteriously returned to earth, having achieved it goal...
One of the aliens, facinated by the humanity displayed in the record, adopted the name of one of the scientists who had worked on the satellite, Charlie, and the other much more interested in the machinery and mechanisms of the satellite adopted the name of the satellite itself, VOYAGER.
Sound insane? Maybe including aliens in my fnf fangame's storyline might have been jumping the shark a little bit...
Lady's mom is scientist studying space stuff at free download's equivalent to nasa or something. The breakthrough was the return of the Voyager satellite.
Did you know that there was going to be a hidden 8th week? Of course you didn't! But I've been teasing it for abit! If you look back at the first weeknd 1 trailer. When the FNF fake out ends theres this annoying buzz that plays as the boyfriend turns red and flickers out of the frame. In every trailer after that there would be moments where the screen cuts black as that buzzing sound plays and you could faintly see the silhouette of the red boyfriend. This would have led up to the suprise release of WEEKND 8. Or "bonus weeknd" as it would have been referred to in game.
You can tell this is a super old idea because the whole level was kinda making fun of the stereotypical funkin' mod (AS OF JULY 2021). You play as dude and lady like 7 years after the events of weeknd 7 and spoofing on the whitty mod abit, dude and lady would hear a weird noise in an alley way and go to check it out only to find... The boyfriend and Girlfriend?!?!?

Well, sorta
This is Keith, someone whos a little bit past his prime. But for all he knows he's a star! Keith is a walking embodiment of what the boyfriend was in 90% of fnf mods (AS OF JULY 2021). He could walk, make weird noises, and thats about it. And the Girlfriend, who was never really used in mods and was always just, there in the background. Is a body pillow. The whole joke with Keith is that from his perspective, everything looks it does in Friday Night Funkin, the real one. Keith looks like the boyfriend, The body pillow is the girlfriend. And dude and lady would be styled in the "fnf style" whatever that would look like, kinda glad I never had to draw that actually.
The weeknd would have had 3 songs, like an actual fnf week. And it would follow the week 6 format of the character going from happy, to mad, to jesus (happy late easter by the way). That fnf mods really liked at the time. Keith's amazing god transformation would make him... Stand up straight...

Now I am well aware how surface level and horrible I'm making this sound but it's all the execution! It would have been cool! Probably!
And me too!!!
Hi. Do you remember me? I made the music for FNF Free Download.
If you view life retrospective-ly, 2 years isn't much. It's 1 day (not much time) about 700 times over, and after you've lived enough days, they start to blend together. Societally we view it as a lot of time, so looking back on it, it can easily feel like you haven't done enough in the time you were given.
For example, I spent a majority of those last 700 or so days...thinking about Friday Night Funkin'...which, despite being something I couldn't recommend for most people, wasn't bad. It was a nice opportunity, but dumbing it down to the simplest terms possible makes it look stupider than it is... It's a symptom of what I call "getting older". *sips "adulting" mug*
I said this about a thousand times when the game got cancelled and also on the first anniversary but I'll say it again - thanks for caring! It means a lot. So much in fact that... I think your dedication deserves a reward!! Just a second...